Saturday 5 March 2016

The story of Sita and Ram..!!!

How to start? Where to start? It has been weeks together since I fell in love with their love story and still crawling my way towards reality. The story of Ram and Sita…what a love story it has been. The way they both understood each other and how intensely in love they both were. It was magical as it made me spell bound to even not to think about it. But why am I writing this now? Everyone one knows how dear they were to each other. I am writing this because I am not convinced by the way the story has ended, the way how Ram has abandoned Sita for the sake of his people and how Sita left handing over her sons Lava and Kusa to Ram to rule. No! This is not how a perfect love story could have ended, I wish I could change it but I know I can’t so here I am writing their end in the way I want it to be. 

After all the twist and turns the fate has put before them they overcame all those struggles with the power of their love. Sita accompanied him anywhere without a question, she just wanted to be with him no matter what. To her it doesn’t matter to starve to death or to live to the fullest but to be with him-Ram. If not for him she will not be living any of this. On the other hand Ram never failed to reciprocate the selfless love Sita gave him. He loved her more than anyone in the entire world. They were complete with each other; they were everything they could ever ask for. 

        They came to Ayodhya after the killing of Ravan and were all set to rule the Kingdom (this is where my version of Ramayana begins). It was one fine evening when Ram was repeatedly exclaiming his love to Sita; she sat mesmerized into his velvet voice. She then looked into his eyes as he held her face in his hands, she said she is pregnant and Ram could not control the excitement of this news and could not wait to tell his mothers about it. When they all knew it was time for Sita to spend her maternity period at her father’s. But she said “Being with Ram gives me happiness that cannot be contemplated by anyone else and I want to spend my maternity days with him, under the warmth of his love and embrace”.


        Everyone remained awestruck to accept the fact how hard it was for them to live without each other even for a minute. But Ram was informed about the discontent and questions targeted on Sita among the populace. Ram fought through the whole situation himself and decided to abandon the Kingdom by leaving the throne to Bharat-his younger brother. He did not want the people to abuse his family; he hardly felt the necessity of justifying Sita’s virtue to them for he knows who she really is. All he wanted was to give her everything she deserves and doesn’t want Sita to know all this. He didn’t sleep properly that night and it was when he realized the real complications of the issue for he knows that his brothers will not take up the throne. Their brotherhood was so delicate that he could not break their hearts, yet he cannot imagine losing Sita at the price of the people who hardly knows the sacrifice she has done for him. 

        As the Sun rose for a new day Ram has made up his mind for a new beginning. Instead of discussing he ordered his brothers to take up the throne and has said that he has decided to leave the kingdom for some time and it is their duty to take care of the throne after him. He didn’t even bother asking Sita to leave the Kingdom for he knows she will not even ask ‘Where’ when he takes her with him. She trusted him with her life. She was happy to spend her time with Ram; no matter where he has decided to take her she was happy about it. 


        They left Ayodhya and reached a place where people are not aware of their identity. He served a sage while Sita took care of the households. Though the sage was aware of who they were he never revealed it, he felt blessed to have them around his place no matter what the reason is. It was their happy place, she could not ask for a better maternity time. After a long time Ram felt relieved about all his decisions. After 9 months Sita gave birth to adorable twins and they named them lava and Kusa. Once they turned 6 Ram and Sita decided to send them to Rishi Valmiki’s hermitage. It was there they both learned about the life of Ram and Sita and was unaware they were the children of Ram and Sita. They both were fluent in dictating the life of Ram and Sita and hence were taken to Ayodhya to spread the story. It was there Lakshman, Bharat and Chatrukan grew suspicious of the irresistible serenity in their eyes, they were sure about the resemblance the twins had. 

        On enquiring they came to know about their parents and wanted to visit them and in the mean time the people of Ayodhya realized their fault and were desperate for Ram’s reign. When the brothers met Ram and Sita they were happy together. It was magical to see them both responding to each other like a magnet, there was no way Ram could live without Sita. They both together made them alive and without any one the other will be lifeless. Lakshman and his brothers requested their brother and Sita to come and rule the Kingdom again clarifying that the people of Ayodhya has realized their mistake and want him to rule them over. But Ram said he is content in living his life with Sita and now he has his brothers to take good care of their sons. He said “Lakshman, Bharat, Chatrukan you all are great rulers and it is of no question to know that the people are prosperous in your kingdom. But for me I am done being a ruler and now I handle over to you the greatest blessing of our lives Lava and Kusa, it is your responsibility to preach them well . We both have decided to leave this town and we are happy this way”.

        They both were really happy that way, he never abandoned her, what she would have become if he has abandoned her? Is there a possibility for Sita to live without him? They covered their identity and lived happily ever after while the brothers waited for Lava and Kusa to attain the age to take up the throne and even they followed their brother to eternity. The love they both had for each other fought destiny and has faced all the possible odds. It is humanly impossible to describe the amount of love they had for each other, I have no idea what they both have done to me but I am glad that I happened to read their story. Ram is often praised for being a great ruler but it is a notable fact that he was also a passionate lover and only he knows how much Sita meant to him.

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