Thursday 3 December 2015

And she's gone forever...!


I met her for the first time during my college first year and till now I can say with pride that she was and will be the most beautiful dog I have ever met. She was pitch black with wavy fur that gives her an angelic beauty…she was an abandoned dog! I still feel sorry for her old masters as they failed to experience the love she showered at me for the past 4 years. I was fond of her and so does she. Everyone in my home except my own pet (Sofrina) liked her. Even though she wasn’t fluffy she was healthy. My fellow street mates treated her as an ugly stray and acted as if their regular routine is getting spoiled because of her. And the scum bag of my street owned a dog which he takes to walk every morning and he said that presence of a stray in our street makes it difficult for his pet to have a walk. They complained that she was infected. But she wasn’t. She was as healthy as a dog can be. She was just desperate of love.

But they all were aware that I will not listen to their crap and was even ready to file a complaint against them if anything happens. So yes they despised me which was obvious. My mom and I fed her everyday and it was her who embraced me every evening as I walk to my home. Her love made me feel full. I named her ‘Puppy’ and every time I call her she waggles her tail as if she has met the love of her life which makes me irresistible to hug her. When it was middle of November, comes a really big trouble when all the male dogs come around her in the nastiest way. And again my street lords will create havoc and I always wanted to shout out to them but stopped by my mom who convinces me to stay out of the trouble. As a result of the hard work done by the male dogs she gets pregnant and again no one really cares about giving her some healthy food but would want her to guard the street at nights. 

As usual it was my mom who took extra care for her during her pregnancy and gave her shelter under our car shed. As soon as she gives birth to the beautiful pups the people who hardly turned towards her will come running for the pups. And the innocent Puppy will not even grin at those who take pups from her. And within 30 days all the pups will be gone and she will be abandoned like before. So again the beauty yearns for the love she will never get. Every day when I return I made it sure I will meet her and let her feel the warmth of love. We grew a bond that could never be named; I don’t know if she loved me because I loved her or in the other way round. But the love was so pure that made me to thank the eternity every day. She loved me the way I am and so did I. Days passed by and the love between us grew thicker than before, and as for her life is concerned she met another dog who is much more loyal than Puppy herself. He was another stray named ‘Jimmy’, the most expressive fellow of all the worlds. From then every evening became endearing with hand full of love at my very door step. Jimmy use to jump high and hug me from my waist and at times it makes me stumble and I wonder if it is his love that makes me weak to stand at my feet. 

Life could never be more blessed than having dogs around and getting drenched in the purest form of love every now and then. But there is this eternity ‘Time’ that got jealous of me and my loves. Some times what we unexpected the most happens making us understand that ‘nothing lasts forever’. But I wasn’t prepared to face this…at this time. The time we spent together was too small comparing to the approximate life span of both human and dog. I know I could not have a forever with her but still I wanted more. One early morning by last week my dad got a phone call from one of our neighbor saying that Puppy was found dead in the road…and he suggested that she would have been hit by a car. I found my heart beating faster at my throat …in an abnormal way. I don’t know…I can’t think of this and this is not how I thought the ending would be.

      God could never be crueler. How can he do this to me? How can he do this to Jimmy? How am I going to face him? What will I ever do without her love? Who will love me as much as she does? Thousands of questions ran through my head as tears flowed down my cheeks. I was lost and was too naïve to believe that she is really gone. GONE. FOREVER. I went to face Jimmy who was looking for Puppy but fortunately her remains were cleaned off that made him think that she went somewhere rather than dead. This could make him go for a day but what will he do for the rest of his life. They both were so affectionate that made me wonder if they were really dogs. He sure will cry to me one day looking right into my eyes with questions that I will never have the answers. She was an angel in my life, an angel who loved me and made me love her more than anything. This bond remains unbroken for it has only beginning and no end. She will remain forever in my memories leaving her paw prints in my heart. But now she is gone…gone forever. 

1 comment:

  1. Friends need nt be same species !!! An love fr pets is a real sweat u sissy ...u had been so kind an I m proud f u my miffy :* !!
