Thursday 10 February 2022

Love, or something like that !

With the V-day around the corner, a hopeless romantic (me) is really restless. I cannot help but wonder if it is the peer pressure around the relationship paradox or the biological clock ticking ! Either way, as much as I romanticize life and every bit of love in it...I am very skeptical when it comes to "relationship". May be I am not someone who can be easily swept off one's feet or may be I have some high standards or may be I want the Chivalry and equality at the same time and how both have been misunderstood lately! So, anyways...What keeps me going is the sweet, cheesy and definitely cliché rom-com movies ! 

Did you guess the movie I am going to talk about? If you are my mom or my close friend you'd have guessed it right ! Because lately it is the only movie I have been talking about! "To all the boys I have loved" ! And the more I think of why I like it so much, I cannot come up with one particular reason. It might be the aesthetics, may be LJ is someone I can relate so much to and may be because I really really love to have PK as a boyfriend. Why is it, to quote Carrie..."Why do we let the one thing we don't have affect how we feel about all the things we have?". And it is not the Peter I miss in my life, but the fact how he stood with a boom box outside Jean's house (that is a real winner, ya'll!). For me, that is chivalry in the millennium, to do what makes your girl happy! And I know very well that "Perfect boys only exist in the books", that one's a bummer but can't help but fall in love with the moments that makes me feel that love, or something like that is still alive and there is hope for it ! 


And coming back to the movie, as much as LJ found her "love" in 16...not everyone is lucky that way. Especially for someone who was so sure of falling in love with only a vampire through out high school (please, don't even ask!). Though I don't regret it, I wish I had met someone who is as charming as Peter Kavinsky or Troy ( sorry I have been watching rom-com's ever since I got access to the TV remote). But then considering how extremely calculative I am, when it comes to people and relationships, it is not a wonder that I did not meet my Peter or Troy, worse I would've definitely let them slip ! No regrets though, because for me it is more of a life time deal- once you are in you are in for one hella ride, no stepping back! Let's face it, relationship of any sort involves effort and time and it is important that we choose the person we love irrespective of what comes ahead. Considering the number of divorces happening around, it feels like waiting and taking time to make this big life decision not in rush sounds like the right thing to do ! Just because other's timeline looks or seems faster than our own, doesn't mean we are standing still or moving the theory of relativity, we all view the world relative to our surroundings. 

As much as I love watching this movie, I'd trade anything to have something as real and as strong their love is, or Bhim and Hidimba's or Noah and Allie's, or Carrie and Big's or Christian and Ana's (see what I did here?) or Edward and Bella's or Augustus and Hazel's or Hermoine and Ron's or O'Connel and Eve's (see again :P ). I hold all these characters so close to my heart and I lived their life vicariously, and that is how I keep my inner hopeless romantic alive. Let's face it, until I meet the one, this is how I fall in love, live in love and sometimes I die too ! Love, in all it's glory is something to be celebrated all day every day! Having just one day to love, in a way looks like we are belittling it ! I am in love, with life...every minute and every second of it. Curating it with the best people who promise to not break my heart and with the ones who tender the sweet gestures of love! 

Here's me wishing you to live this amazingly beautiful life filled with love, or something like that ! 💟

1 comment:

  1. You spoke my heart.. definitely in love with love ..
