Sunday 19 May 2019

Daenerys Targaryen

This is definitely not an eulogy for my most favorite character on Game of Thrones  but a small tribute for the years I have traveled with her(Please don't read this if you haven't seen the final episode yet). Undeniably Season 8 has poor writing as it never satisfied the hunger it gave me from Season 1-7 , but I did cry my heart out to see this character die, I know there is no happily ever after in game of thrones and they made it clear that she will be gone in the end, but still that couldn't stop me from bawling my eyes out. So here's the reason of why I love her the most despite the fact that she is flawed, yet beautiful in her own way.

A beautiful girl with silver hair and violet eyes.
Of all the characters, Daenerys is the one who rose close to my heart because she allowed me to take a lot of learning from her. From being sold (literally losing one's identity) to sitting on the Iron throne, the journey she has been through gave me so much to learn from. Ever since the first scene I had a haunch that this girl is going to be something, the pain in her eyes said it all. She was seen as a mere property or a tool for succession by her brother, she had no say about the decisions of her life. She was a mere puppet in the hands of her so called blood line.

May be we all have to be put through so much dirt only to discover the beautiful flower we have always been, just in her case she is a wild flower. Strong yet vulnerable. I stared to become a fan of this show only after Dany fell in love or should I say ...rose in love with the sun and the stars of her life Khal Drogo. 
And as they say the beauty of good things is that they don't last forever and that's why we yearn it the most. Dark days spun upon this beautiful girl who had just found the love of her life and was so relieved that her life has completely taken shape. She taught me that true love will show yourself to you like a mirror, it will show you what's holding you back, the truth that what has happened could never be undone and most of all, true love will tear your walls and smack you awake. The moment she thought she lost him was the moment she discovered who she is. The mother of Dragons, she realized that it is her destiny to make this world a better place. And there this beautiful girl, Khaleesi and the mother of Dragons starts her journey. 

When you start the journey towards achieving your dreams, you will then know what it takes to be the person you've always wanted to be. You can't expect all the people to believe in your dream and support you no matter how much you convince them, a few  wouldn't believe it just because they are scared to see the truth and the beauty of your dream. Dany's journey wasn't laid in flowers, she had to get her hands drenched in blood and stand strong just to make sure that she can't be crippled to the ground just because she is a girl with the dream. Dragons were both her strength and weakness and how vulnerable can a woman be with no trustworthy people around her?

She was vulnerable, but that doesn't made her to stop and question her dreams, she believed in her destiny and that was more than enough for the universe to love her. We will know when we are moving closer to our dreams because the universe will conspire towards it by bringing us close to those who share the same dream as we do. 
She became "Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons”.  
Most of all, she gained a best friend and an adviser whom she trusted with all her might.

Universe will always test the person with the stubborn heart and a huge dream, Daenerys was put through the test of her life , just to see her stumble. Because, they say love is blind for a reason, it blinds you, it eclipses your dream and makes you go weak on the knees, no matter if the whole world has bent its knee for you, you will go weak for that particular person. And there could never be a question of right and wrong, love can never be wrong....can it be?

But like most women, Daenerys Targaryen failed to understand that sometimes the person we want the most isn't the one who deserves us and no amount of love can change that. And what was the price she paid for this undeserving love she yearned for? Her Dragon, Her best friend, Her most loyal soldier and a threat to her dream. And her own people conspiring behind her back with the idea that it should always be a man to rule.

What do you think happens to the person that grew up with insecurities about her identity, who suffered a fate she didn't chose to, who had a dream and is so close to get hold of it just to know that people who she thought has stood by her thinks she's undeserving of living that dream? And most of all, love can wreck a person in a way it could never be repaired. 

I am definitely not justifying her actions but it is understandable of why she has done that. She was denied of love when she wanted the most, she was forced to stand alone when she wanted people around her. Never could I let go of the idea that she was killed in the hands of the person she loved the most, stabbed in the heart that loved him the most. The way her only remaining dragon breathed out fire to burn the IRON THRONE and not burning Jon alive left me wondering if he has loved him as well. Drogon has my heart for proving that it is always safer to love an animal more than a human, for they would never stab you in the heart.

When you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. It is over now and it does feels different to know that the character I loved the most is dead and that I don't get to see her shout "Dracarys" anymore. But none of it will change the fact the Daenerys Targaryen is and will be one of my most loved fictional characters and my most favorite one in the GAME OF THRONES. 


  1. Ya, its true that she had been used by her brother. She found love and didn't last long, she was denied By Jon and all that took her insecurity levels so high and at the tip of the ice berg to hold the Kings landing. Her insecurities covered her completely. Its understandable but not acceptable. I just reflect this to the Arjuna moments of Mahabharath. Arjuna was peaked with insecurity when he found that, he needs to kill all his kith and kin to establish dharma and bring justice to Draupadi. Arjuna wanted to drop his kandiva and go for begging instead of fighting. I like to compare that Arjuna was a compassionate being even though his wife was tried to be stripped before the respectable arena. Such a big a taboo and not for forgiveness. Bhagavat gita as it is author Srila Prabu pada said that it's a good quality to forgive even after such a taboo. But still author continues to agree with Krishna's instruction about how krishna is criticizing Arjuna for being foolish and acting like an non aryan meaning not educated. The catch i am here to compare is, the insecurities we saw in a fictional character is present in everybody and even in Arjuna when our most beloved are put to danger and taken away from us. That insecurities is understandable. We should try to see how bhagavat gita is a timeless wisdom and his words are always relevant. After tHat, krishna talks about how this body is dead and soul doesn't and how powerful and eternal we are and the people who die for dharma are glorious as per the science of karma which I created. So just follow my instructions and he just abided and that obedience and acceptance of instruction from authority and a well wisher can save us from great dangers even though we can understand daenerys for her act. She was not saved. Yet i love the article and the energy you put to articulate your thoughts and emotions are really good and i love it pranavi. Conclusion is the world us not an easy place still the lord has arranged the best to bring all love light and energy. Just make our free will towards krishna as per bhagavat gita and things will get better. An author who is famous for 5000 years. So it's the aNswer for all our insecurities and tough times. Faith is the currency to buy all our happiness. Thanks for reading my thoughts patiently.

    1. I couldn’t agree to your comparison more. Beautifully compared , thank you for sharing your wisdom. It is very true indeed.
