Tuesday 21 October 2014

Innocence is Bliss.!

It was raining out and I just got into the bus to my home after a visit with my bestie subsequently quite a long time. A mother with her 3-4 yr old daughter sat near me; while I was engrossed into my favorite band’s songs I felt a fragile hand touching mine. It was the small girl sitting beside me. As she was enjoying the breeze that brushed her face with a gentle kiss, she was exceedingly gleeful with no pinch of worries in her innocent face. I for a moment wished ‘Time Machine’ was true, as I saw the child free from this unending and unstoppable run of ours. The bus has got diverseness among its passengers with two adolescent girls before us who were frustrated about the wind messing up their hair and teens who were enjoying the travel with equal wits on their visual aspect in the very own girlish way. There were adults who have just completed their shopping chattering about the attires with their bulky shopping bags, and I had this young woman sitting beside me who innocence made me feel desperate.

She was waving hands to the people outside the bus with no fear…may be that is the gift of innocence I cerebrated. She was unaware of what this ambivalent society has got in store for her. She was wholly devoid of hustling over what this life is about. She was completely innocent of all these bitter truths that made her life beauteous. For now she is a child but tomorrow she is going to be a woman whose life is a trial by fire in this male chauvinistic society, she may or may not be dependent but inadvertently she is a puppet in the hands of this society. But all these trials were blurred in the innocent smile of hers. Wish I had never grown up because I want to go back to the time when innocence was natural, because innocence is bliss. 


  1. Simply good!
    But use of unfamiliar English words made it look so complicated! However i experienced a perfect blog read!
