Tuesday 9 September 2014


  " A human system of communication that uses arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols", this is how they define a language. But I interrupt language from a different perspective. Though I'm exposed to language in different views such as languages in Engineering where in hardware they classify it as Assembly level language,Machine level language and High level language. Seriously, It sounds hilarious to see such classifications.To me language makes understanding easier. Still I couldn't accept that language is something that is built of words, grammars and rules...Because the most beautiful language of the world is never found in a written form . Nor it could be described. There was that book I came across that said the world speaks a common language . I was first fascinated to know that and it took a few days to realize that. We all speak it. Not through mouth though . That language has no rules and boundaries which makes it more beautiful. 

   I realized it when I was having a deep conversation with my pet Sofi. We were talking  for minutes but I hardly realized that I never uttered a word through my mouth. But we were talking. Through eyes it was, I felt so alive during that conversation than I usually do with my friends. There was some binding force that binds us together I felt. Then It was when I was returning from my collage in bike with my dad, it was drizzling ...I was enjoying the breeze with my eyes closed. A rain drop suddenly kissed my cheeks and my heart pounced with a joy as if it was a kiss from my love. I opened my eyes to look the sky and I was immersed into it's movements for a while ...the moving clouds told me stories as the wind sung songs into my ears. It was a lovely conversation. Such similar incidents made me believe that there is a language without words.Language of the world. Language of the soul.

We've a lot of languages in this world but none of them could converse with a Tree . Not because they aren't capable of doing so but just because we've made it like that. The trees and the winds will talk to us if we talk to them ! May be they stand still because they have been treated dumb for a million years that made them forgot what they really are. Many scholars have named this language as "Love". Well...I don't know! It might be love. But there is something more in that language . It is something because of which we all wake up, we all are after something holding that in our hands...It is because of that language we believe there is a tomorrow.

To me that language is "Hope". I solely believe that my pet could understand the tone of my soul and that paved a way to our conversation. I believed that the rain drops where sent by someone from heaven to embrace me and to leave a message of their love . That made me talk with the rain through touch. I believe in this Language of the soul. HOPE it is...because all languages could not be prescribed in words and pictures.
Few things could be felt only by heart if only the mind paves way to it. And these man made languages are made to unlock the language of the soul.

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