Sunday 9 March 2014

Save the Genie..!!!

It has been so mysterious to see the kids of this of age 6-12. When I was of that age I lived in a fantasy world where Noddy and Oswald were my friends, Toy land was my home and Dragon tales was my deepest desire . I almost got dwelled in to the fanaticism.I've had no idea as what society and reality mean. I even had made a wish to my Tooth fairy to give me a pegasus. And I've ran around the nook and corner of my house searching Tom and Jerry. And I really believed that Superman and Spider man will come and save me from my home works. I even had a wish to marry Prince Charming and I've got no idea as how desperately I want to be like Barbie. My life was so lite and I was so innocent to know the struggles that I might face in future. Now I wish I could go back to those days as they were the best part of my life.

But these generation kids have lost their innocence and are so concerned about their future.It is good to be concerned but in this age you gotta be enjoying your childhood , living in a dreamland . That is when you let your imagination grow. Whereas these kids rather than making a wish to get a 6 month holiday or to see a fairy they are making a wish to become a doctor or engineer. Kids you're going to be an Engineer or Doctor but why are you worried about it at this age? What happened to their childhood? Who buried it?

It's us's the society that has injected this social pressure and the need of social status in the young minds.
They are losing their innocence and begin to behave as adolescents in the age of 10. In their teens they are gonna behave like adults and when they become old they are going to regret . They'll lack peace of mind even if they've got enough money. "Money could never bring peace".

They have been rendered too strictly that allowing your imagination to no limits and falling in love with fantasy is so immature. But I wonder why people want toddlers to act matured. Nurturing this into a kid will make him a machine but not a human. I've really got no idea on people's main idea of burying the genie alive. The innocence of the children are completely polluted by the social pressure. Instead of allowing them to grow on their own accord they are being dumped by the society and their parents making the kid to become what they want him to be.

   When they regret it only yearning will remain . If this situation prevails our society will have to face serious troubles as these kids are the backbone of our society.Its their parents who have got a major role in this. They foster them as if this society is so competitive and one will end up in humiliation if they didn't allocate a place for them in this big world. And in order to do that they have to start working for it from small age backpacking your childhood inside and by burying the genie along with your imagination.

We aren't aware of the mental stress they are going through and the one they will face in their later age. Why do you want your kid to live for the society? Allow him to live his life in the way he wants. These days reading comics and story books have been long gone. All these things are a part of growing and by isolating childhood from their life can you call that life completed? Think it of parents...Don't curtail them if they scribble a superhero or a fairy. Don't expect them to draw ellipse and parabola. If they believe in fantasy let them live in that world because in one day or another they are going to face this masked community of people(the so called society).

As far as my personal life is concerned ...fantasy world taught me a lot of things that this society failed to do.
It is not the "Genie" who has been buried alive it is the childhood and the imagination of your children.


                                            "Let The Children Be Children".

                                               "Save The Genie"

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