Saturday 15 February 2014

A Sad Roar...

"I was in my home ...I love my home so much as I would never leave my home for anyone else...But suddenly a few strangers came in and they stared at me as if I have conquered their place..There were lot of them and since I refused to leave my home they killed me...But I love my home motherland so much and I wish I can have my next birth here.." said the dead tiger that was shot to dead by policemen of Nilgiri Forest Reserve. Who was bewildered by the idea that there is no other go but only killing.Photo: Close-up of a snarling tiger

It was us to be punished for ruining the wealth of the forest and disturbing the happy living of the four legged species. But As we are quite large in number and being obsessed with our insane 6th sense(As we gratify ourselves as if we posses such a thing) we are doing all sort of mischief to the eco system. I think We just got so much into "Darwinism" ....going after "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"..But know what people...When will you ever stop potraying yourself as the fittest? After demolishing the entire ecosystem? And what do you think you'll achieve by that?
Profile picture for Survival of the Fittest

When It is said "ENVIRONMENT" it do mean the animals as a part of it...We increased in numbers so we destructed their homes to build house for us...that led to the extinction of many species..and we didn't give a damn...coz why should we concerned for the death of such useless four legged animals,,,,? Right? If you ever think so I'll tell you what If you are worth living , they do too....In every way they are far better than us..THey don't know what corruption is...they don't know what betrayal is....

THere is a kindergarden story....There was a forest long long ago that was ruled by a giant crocodile named "MAKARA" . He was so gratified about his own strength and thought no one could defeat him and claimed that crocodiles can live without the help of other animals and ordered them to leave the forest. He asked snakes to leave as they were very slimy and tortoises as they were very slow and so on....THe forest became the home to crocodiles but inspite of his thought the forest turned out as a mess. Insects and rats proliferated as a result of the absence of snakes and adverse things happened . ANd so MAKARA decided to call them back. ANd he realized that Every life is interconnected and we depend on others for our survival.THey all came back and lived happily.Stupid crocodile by HamtaroFlower

But here we could not expect this ending as our actions results in EXTINCTION rather than being abandoned. THe moment we are going to regret is not so far. ANd when we do so we could only see the lost species in some records....We have lost nearly 20 animal species in the last 10 years around the globe. If this continues we would have this world suitable only for humano sapens in the near future. Who the hell has gave us the rights to take their lives away? THey have the equal rights in this earth. ANd why don't this just get stick into our mind? We say If we spot a species in the verge of extinction we'll breed them in captivity..why don't you just try it out with some human beings to examine how it feels? I am not being rude Im being practial....Grow up people ...whatever we do we could create only a garden and not a forest.
WHat they need is space and freedom...why don't we let them live? What harm did they do to us?animals.jpg

Please develop conern for them even if you couldn't help stop hurting atleast and learn it "KILLING COULD NEVER BE AN ANSWER" WE are made to help them and that is why we are bestowed with 6th sense not to kill them. We are their helping hands. THey need us out there ....they are our equal country men...try not to dominate them atleast. If they cause us trouble we should analyze their needs and problems from their point...Be mature ...You are not supposed to kill a species when it seeks help from you.

 Stop Wildlife Crime

"Eye for An Eye Makes THe World Blind".

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