Friday 20 December 2013


 Love...a lovable misery. It hits you only once and when it does you could never stand up.
It hits u as hard as tornado. But still isn't it an awesome feeling? They say you could
experience it only if you fall in love. Is It? Nah..If you fall in love where is the time to
admire it when you are busy living it. They say magic doesn't exist but if magic is false
then love have to be false. 


  Love is magic..You fall for someone you never thought you would.
Coz that is when you realize that it is not gravity that holds you on the earth. You see
your self and your world in a different perspective. You realize your soul and heart like
never before. Isn't that magic?

   Love is rude,it never allows you to sleep. Your eyes feels heavy but still you can't sleep.
No matter whether it's one side or both side coz in love such thing doesn't even exist.
When you are in love , no matter what..your heart aches for them and you just love them ,
you'll never expect them to love you back. A true heart filled with love will never expect anything
in return.You just love them unconditionally .

  Love is innocent, it never expects anything from you and it has no idea on why you fell
for them. Love always has it's own nature and form unlike lust.Coz lust hits every human
being but not love. To love is a bliss. Loving someone gives you strength. To be loved by
someone gives you courage.

 To fall in love is really as quick as you fall asleep. But to remain in love requires a lot
of sacrifice. But when in love you'll never consider those sacrifices as sacrifices ,they
are considered a
s a way of expressing love. Yeah, kisses and hugs aren't the only way to
express love.

  Love is Pure, as pure as a newborn's heart. It's purity could never be compromised by
any other relationship in the entire world.You feel your heart beat in them and you see your
dream through their eyes. You'll realize that you are not just made for each other but
"born for each other".

  Love is unconditional. When you are swept off by your feet by your love no matter what
you'll fight for them. No matter how hard it is you'll face it. coz being in love gives you
power to turn a needle into a sword .It gives you strength to cross the entire ocean in one
leap.It gives you the ability to believe in yourself.

Love is unconditional....
  Loving someone is a fairytale.When you come to know that he/she is your Prince charming/Cinderella you could never posses the strength to stay away from them.No matter how hard
the spells are ! Love makes you to love everyone around you. It removes hatred from your
heart. Love is the only language spoken by everyone, It is beyond the boundaries created by
the swords of the kings. It makes you feel perfect.

 Love gives you peace. Love-Peace. Nothing else is more worth it.

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