Friday 2 March 2018


Here I am laying down listening to the beat of my heart happier than ever, stronger than ever. Because I said enough is enough, I stood up, I listened and made my choice. Now, it is time for you to make yours. Stop accepting everything that life throws at you.

Laying in bed, crying about the ones you can't have or those who don't want you is going to take you nowhere. Open your eyes, trust me those people are going to be the ones to come running back one day asking you to treat them the way you always did. Because "Letting go is what strengthens you in life". 

We feel like we need someone to pamper us, love us but in all honesty, do we? All you need in your life is having those around you that encourage you to become a stronger person and that can help you become a better human. Those people are the friends you call family and family you call friends and those are the ones you need to keep.

So stop using excuses in your life and start keeping your word, not to those you promised something but to yourself because soon enough, you will realize that sticking to your word has made the new you, improved you.

Stop using excuses and start owning up to what you said to yourself. 

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