Wednesday 19 November 2014

Where are we headed?

They say India is a country where all religions are given equal freedom and sanity is preserved all over. I even thought it was true and now I realize I was equally blindfolded as my fellow citizens. Surfing the internet randomly could really help (that’s what happened in my case). Lately I came across a controversy with one of my acquaintance who firmly believes that ‘All Muslims are terrorists’ and it was hard core tough to make her understand how blindfolded she was to think so. I then wondered may be the majority mass is bewildered by that statement and that is the reason for the havoc. That made me search for the conclusions that made me to explore the reason of the Hindu-Muslim conflicts. The reason is so intense that it has been buried into our hearts ever since by the so-called political parties who have the promise of ‘Maintaining Hindu-Muslim unity’ only in their election propaganda. To be transparent none of them are clean, everyone is corrupted by the concept of ‘majority rule’ where everyone wants a country on their own.


 Hindu-Muslim havoc has been in this land as an infectious disease since the old man requested everyone in this land to respect the other religious member as his own brother. We failed to do it! Do we? I always wanted people to realize that not all Muslims are terrorists, in the same way not all Hindus are terrorists. There is a cancer everywhere which spreads so fast that we all now remain helpless to find a cure. Yeah OK, what is that cancer? When I read a few articles I almost was petrified to the extent of this disease. Do any of us know that there are secret links that every political party has got (exactly as we see in movies), they aren’t fictional they all are true. Every political party in this land who says they strive to preserve the ‘Saffron’ of India has their walls built in the bloodshed of innumerable innocent hearts who are deceived by their fake oaths. 
The crises are so often in the northern regions, ever wondered why? Illiteracy I’d say. They could never perceive a thing in their own way because they’ve been fostered that dumb (the cancer is more affectionate to such people). We in a country where Hindus are in majority never really know what the minority sectors are being through because we often picture them as terrorist. Please take a look into an Islam neighbor’s house and check whether you could find some AK47, we will find only fear. They have all the rights we possess in this land but yet they treat themselves as refugees which our ‘Father of the nation’ never wanted to. Because how could you live carefree in a region which is not yours? And we innocent citizens believe everything the media pictures (wait it is ‘ignorance’ not ‘innocence’). There is a brigade called ‘Hindhutva party’ which act as a wing to almost all the political parties whose only aim is the eradication of Muslims from this land and to built a India where only Hindus will rule which never is a part of Hinduism (they call that ‘being Hindu’). The consequences are nothing but the disease which has ‘innocent Muslims’ as its victims. The report says that there are number of Muslims who have been arrested for no reason and they could do nothing but remain calm with the cancer inside them that says ‘All Hindus are cruel. They all are heartless’.

When one part of the country has got them the other part has an even worse scenario where the victims are ‘innocent Hindus’. The trauma of the former victims has laid a path to their active sector whose actions are far beyond the cure. They call the ‘cold war’ as ‘Love Jihad’ which never was a part of Islam (they call it ‘being Muslim’), their only target is to love Hindu girls and make them practice Islam as a part of their living (mostly on completion) and when they give birth to a child they abandon the innocent girl when she has got nowhere to go (coz at that time her family would have deserted her). They do it with the motive of increasing their population for a reason only they know. When these Hindu people who are betrayed by the name of ‘Love’ end up having the same cancer inside their head uttering ‘All Muslims are cruel. They are all heartless’. When these both poles meet we end up in mutual hatred and as a result we lose the intense bonding of brotherhood we’ve been preserving all the years and also we left eclipsed to realize the true love among the two poles which is now a fable.
With no knowledge of being puppets in the hands of these cancer affected society we live developing hatred among each other as a result of this ‘infectious cancer’. This disease has got no cure but only prevention, because we’ve crossed all those stages and are headed towards nothing but brutal killing of our fellowmen. Neither ‘Hindhutva’ nor ‘Love Jihad’ was mentioned in our pedagogies. We fight for no reason but for entertaining the demons in the cloak of ‘Politicians’, the losses we are being through could never be comprehended by them. We are in a world where reasons have been buried deeper and only consequences are spoken. This is not the conflict of ‘religion’ but of ‘minds’. Religion has got nothing to do with this. Neither ‘Allah’ nor ‘Krishna’ has designed them it was us who are the reason for our own destruction. Let us be aware that the Lords have got nothing to do with our cancer. This cancer is man-made. Both religions teach ‘Humanity’ which has been now buried. Where are we headed? 

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