Friday 4 January 2013

Ganges-a loud cry. . .!!!

                       Ganges-a loud cry. . .

Ganges-India's icon. . .as we know. . coz thats how we have learnt.But are
we still respecting or maintaining it as our nation's pride???!! The answer
would be  NO!! The reason is . . .we are ready to think ganges only as a river in India. . .
“huhh. . .its just a river in India. .  .and why should I bother about it. . .its not gonna spoil my life in any way right??”
 This is the major problem with Indian youth which has lead to the degradation of INDIA’S GREATEST WEALTH. .!!

We have to remember one thing. . .self development will never lead to country’s development?? Are you maintaining nation’s wealth in any way??? If we were really that patriotic. .we would have not let ganges to cry like this. .

Our ancestors has given us ganges in a pure form. . .but see how are we giving ganges to our future generations???
So who to blame??? Us or our ancestors???

The major problem with us is that we have no idea about the origin of ganges. . .ofcourse I agree that everyone of us know that ‘the river ganga orginates in gangotri glacier’.
But is this the real origin???

It is believed that Ganga is the river that has been originated from lord shiva’s head. .and it is believed to have many spiritual qualities.
It provides water to about 40% of India's population in 11 .The Ganges river basin is one of the most fertile and densely populated region in the world and covers an area of 1,080,000 km2 (400,000 square miles). The river flows through 29 cities with population over 100,001; 23 cities with population between 50,000 and 100,000, and about 48 towns.

The pollution of ganges is not mainly due to the disposal of human wastes(after death-ash). Coz this practice is being followed for decades. An algae (blue green algae) in Ganga is capable of removing those pollution. Then what might be the reason for pollution now??
It is simply coz . . .it (algae) can bare and remove pollution only to a certain extent.  ..if u over pollute it.  .how can it remove the pollutin. . .

A large proportion of the waste in the Ganges is from this population through domestic usage like bathing, laundry and public defecation
Countless tanneries, chemical plants, textile mills, distilleries, slaughterhouses, and hospitals contribute to the pollution of the Ganges by dumping untreated waste into it. Industrial effluents are about 12% of the total volume of effluent reaching the Ganges. Although a relatively low proportion, they are a cause for major concern because they are often toxic and non-biodegradable
During festival seasons, over 70 million people bathe in the Ganges over a few weeks to cleanse themselves from their sins. Some materials like food, waste or leaves are left in the Ganges for ritualistic reasons. A Hindu belief is that dropping the ashes of cremated bodies at the Manikarnika Ghat (at Varanasi) in the Ganges would give Moksha (liberation) to the jiva (soul)
The results of mercury analysis in various specimens collected along the basin indicated that some fish muscles tended to accumulate high levels of mercury. Of it, approximately 50–84% was organic mercury. A strong positive correlation between mercury levels in muscle with food habit and fish length was found.

The Ganges River dolphin is one of few species of fresh water dolphins in the world. Listed as an endangered species, their population is believed to be less than 2000. Hydroelectric and irrigation dams along the Ganges that prevents the dolphins from traveling up and down river is the main reason for their reducing population.

The matter of this blog is not only about the cry of ganges. .. but about the lack of patriotism. .
You may wonder . . .why should we need patriotism in this. . .Patriotism is the main reason for this loud cry. . .If we were really patriotic we would have not let our mother’s(INDIA) daughter(GANGA) to cry like this. . .
Common friends it is not a matter of pollution it is the matter of us. . .are we going to be like this forever????
Don’t you hear the sad mourn of ganga??? stop blaming others. . . .


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