Tuesday 23 October 2012

Aim. . .!!!!!

   Three Word Inspirational Quotes Poster Dream - a single word which has the power of giving the faith and belief more than
one has in himself. . . .!! A dream is what you believe in and love in. . .coz you may
like many but ll love only a few. . .and most of the times you love what is within you.
Which means 'Dream' is what is within you. But think of it. . .how many of us has
achieved what we dreamt of???!!! The probability of those who have achieved their
dream as they dreamt of it is really in the ratio of 1:10 !!!


        We may wonder . . . .but this is the truth. . .!!! What we live now may bring us wealth
, money , relations and friends but happiness???? ecstacy???? It cannot , it will not..
Coz thats not what our tender heart loved. . .thats not we dreamt of staring the stars in
our child hood..
Did we??!!


       Dream is what which comes without expecting anything in future. . .you would have
not dreamt of earning money from your dream in your childhood. . .what you dreamt is
just living your dream!!! But as we grow up our mind gets contaminated with greed and
in this process we loose not only our dream but also ourselves. . .!!!

     We may not feel the pain as we are materially covered by unstable things in abundance.
But once you go deeper you ll hear your heart's sober. . .and that pain is not bearable
it kills you. . . . Why does this happen???

     Once a kid got the maturity of thinking . . .he\she starts to dream. . .about their future
but we wouldn't give ears to their dream telling "even i dreamt of becoming blah blah
dats y m like this . . .if i haven't wasted my time in mere dreaming i would have been
better than this". This discourages the child. . .and its tender dream. . .


   So how can you tell that the kid is not having future in that dream. . .
If he is love with music how can he indulge himself in mind boggling physics and
chemistry??? Einstein was very interested in physics what would have happened if
he was forced to learn chemistry or to write plays like shakespere???

       This is what happening to these generation kids. . .
There was a recent statistical report about indian engineers stating that only 30 000
students among 1 crore are qualified to be engineers. . . What do you think is the reason
behind it??? The simple and strong reason is THAT IS NOT THEIR DREAM

       Even here you may see only the 30 000 engineers we have got but the fact is
we have lost 99 lac 70 000 multi talented students in that we would have got
another A.R.Rahman or another Sir C.V.Raman or another Seinah nawal or another
M.S.Subhulakshmi or another Dhirubhai Ambani or
someone great more than these legends!!! 

     The basic mistake is with the educational system....

Think of it why should a medical student needs Integration(Math) in his syllabus???
why cant we have art,music,literature,sports,astrology,spirutuality etc various

sectors as subjects and learn them???
     Why cant we have a structure like those who love literature and hate mathematics
can concentrate in literature than in maths??? Why not????

  Why do every parent wants their children to be engineers and doctors???
Every one cannot love machines and medicines. . . .They love something different..

But for this students have to make their mind clear .  . .. should be clear about their
goal. . .destiny. . ..you would have, have an urge to be a football player but that should
not be diverted on seeing justin beiber and wanting to be a pop singer like him

            Likes may change like season but Love will never change

    Everyone is born with equal talent but not with same dream and love, each human
differs in their love-dream-aim. . .!!! To explore this 'listen to YOU- your inward voice'
Dont dump your future in your hatered . . .you have one life. . .live your dream and
make your life worthwhile!!!

           Running towards a dream is really harder but if you want to taste it you have to
run for it.....

   " There is no telling how many miles you ll have to run while chasing a dream"

But whatever struggles you face you should not let go your dream at any cause....
Because your dream is you. . .you love what is within you. . .

 Remember "We run  fastest and farthest when we run from ourselves" So patience
is very important in chasing your dream...

Finally believe in yourself whatever may be the dream. . . coz



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