Thursday 31 October 2019

A Hopeless Romantic...

Hopeless Romantic- "Someone who is simply terrible in/at love. They fall in love easily, are very open with their emotion, and can't seem to find the love of their life".
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And this is how Urban dictionary defines it, but only a true romantic (hopeless indeed) will know what it actually means to be one. Butterflies in stomach, the dramatic foot pop, the true love's kiss, serendipitous meetings...and I am just starting to say the things that I believe with all my might. Welcome to the ramblings of an archetype romantic! 

If I remember precisely, I was 12 years old when I first saw "High School Musical" series and god knows how much I wised that I get to meet my Troy soon. I didn't know that I was a romantic until I was 16, because that is when I started dreaming and wanting things I look for a boy form the romantic literature and fairy-tales I have read since then. I started to believe in things like "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged cupid painted blind"  and "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment". Yes, I started dreaming about my perfect fairy-tale love and marriage since 16 years. And I never stopped myself from being a romantic since then. 

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How do you think life looks like from the eyes of a romantic? 

Life, and everything surrounding it is beautiful and every little thing around us gives away signals of love. To love and be loved- is what life is all about. It is literally like living a life as if you are in a Rom-com movie. Just because we are romantics, it doesn't mean we are not realistic. I know that my Prince charming is not going to come to my rescue like a knight in a shining armor, but that won't stop me from dreaming about my Prince Charming. May be being a hopeless romantic doesn't mean that we have unrealistic expectations about love and life, but it just means that we tend to see love in everything (that is not so bad, isn't it?). To me, love is believing that soul mates, twin flames and kindred spirits exists. And that we will eventually end up with our twin soul no matter what. Because I (almost all hopeless romantics) believe that universe is conspiring for two souls to find love and live happily ever after. 

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Does this mean that I don't believe in a dramatic filmy romance? No! I do believe in it. In fact I believe in all kinds of romance ranging from the love between Belle and the Beast to the love I admire the most between Noah and Allie and between Jacob Palmer and Hannah (See what i did here?). There's no such thing called "wrong" when it comes to love. Of-course we all have experiences in life that will want us to give up on "Love", but one bad chapter doesn't mean that the entire story is bad. For the hopeless romantic that I am, I'd never say that I have give up on love (trust me I have my own heartbreaks). One could never regret for having loved a person, at-least I cannot. I might have loved the wrong person at the right time or right person at the wrong time, either ways my love is never wasted. I believe that every person we give our love to is supposed to share the journey of finding the love of our lives together. 

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I sound so confident when it comes to finding the love of my life, haven't I ? But let's face it, I am not! The millennial way of dating makes me want to carry my heart and cover it with layers of protective shields and hide it far away from anyone's reach. Because, being a romantic it takes no time for me to fall in love with a person and how can one survive in a generation where people run in the opposite direction when they hear the terms "commitment" and "forever". Have we given up on love already? Or is love so underrated? It is something to be celebrated, not something to be discussed with different names and conditions. The biggest fear I have is to realize that the meaning of "Love" has got so many definitions and none of it says it is something you can't deny of yourself.  

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One might think why I have rambled a page about being a hopeless romantic, let me tell you why. I have always been afraid to accept the fact that I am a romantic at heart because it is often termed as self-destructive path by most. Yes, I do have fairy-tale dreams and crazy expectations when it comes to my dream boy...but that doesn't mean that it is what I will settle for. Being a romantic at heart means, we know that love hits us when we least expect it and we find ourselves in love with the person we least expect it. This is a huge step for me to accept the fact that I am a hopeless romantic waiting to be discovered by my Prince Charming, because the bravest thing we can do is to allow us to be seen as we truly are. 

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In a universe filled with love, we all are destined to find that one soul that resonates with the same frequency as ours and life is all about learning to live in harmony with each other. To everyone who has found theirs and those who are looking vicariously like me...let us all find love and let us love and be loved. 

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